End of Winter 2025



Greetings Southwest Florida!

We have had a fantastic beginning to the year with a terrific winter turnout thus far. Our midweek tours have proven to be popular with travelers and seasonal residents alike. Thank you all for your continued support!

As the winter progresses we look forward to springtime in the night sky. There are many excellent objects in the sky to peruse this time of year. Jupiter and Mars are both high overhead and excellent viewing. This is the last time of the season to see Cassiopeia the queen and her daughter Andromeda. Orion is still in prime viewing position along with the beautiful Orion Nebula. For a brief time currently here in Florida we can see the southern supergiant star Canopus. Looking forward we will soon see Virgo, Bootes, and the lovely star Arcturus.

It is never too late to book your Stargazing Tour with us as there are many dates available in March and April. Please don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions! 941-800-2161

See our featured spot on ABC7!
Wild About SWFL: Starry Night Florida

We are open for Winter tours!
Please click here to reserve your seat!

For questions, please call

Your Guide

Jason Grauberger

Originally from Colorado, Jason relocated to Florida over 10 years ago, and together with his wife, reside in sunny Southwest Florida. A lifelong astronomy devotee, he draws inspiration from his unwaivering enthusiasm for the stars and the boundless unknown of space. He takes a personal interest in teaching others about the wonders of the Night Sky and telling stories about humanity's quest for celestial knowledge. 

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